15 January 2002

the 8th international conference on copepoda

fish health newsletter

rotifer and copepod discussion groups

new hatchery able to produce two million cod

cod culture norway fingerling production set for spring

a new ageing method for eggs of fish species with daily spawning synchronicity

dispersion of atlantic salmon (salmo salar) fry from competing families as revealed by dna profiling

protein, carbohydrate, lipid and chlorophyll a content in isochrysis aff. galbana (clone t-iso) cultured with a low cost alternative to the f/2 medium

early development of the mandarinfish, synchiropus splendidus (callionymidae), with notes on its fishery and potential for culture 

the influence of live feed supplementation on growth and reproductive performance of swordtail (xiphophorus helleri heckel 1848) broodstock

influence of varying dietary protein content at three lipid concentrations on growth characteristics of juvenile swordtails (xiphophorus helleri heckel 1848)

frequency and periodicity of spawning in the clownfish amphiprion akallopisos under aquarium conditions

in ovo methods for utilizing the modified live adwardsiella ictaluri vaccine against enteric septicemia in channel catfish

bacterial flora associated with larval rearing of the giant freshwater prawn, macrobrachium rosenbergii

effect of enriched natural diet on survival and growth of juvenile cuttlefish sepia officinalis l.

metamorphosis in summer flounder: manipulation of thyroid status to synchronize settling behavior, growth, and development

estimating genetic and environmental components of variance using sexual and clonal artemia

production and application of on-grown artemia in freshwater ornamental fish farm

artemia swarming - mechanisms and suggested reasons

decoupling of copepod grazing rates, fecundity and egg-hatching success on mixed and alternating diatom and dinoflagellate diets

international study on artemia. LXII. Genomic relationships between artemia franciscana and a. persimilis, inferred from chromocentre numbers

growth and survival of hybrid sunfish larvae in the laboratory under different feeding and temperature regimes

the influence of salinity on the growth of juvenile shortnose sturgeon

effect of dietary cod liver oil on growth and fatty acids of juvenile hybrid tilapia

salinity and temperature tolerance of black sea bass juveniles

assessment of zooplankton size fractionation for monitoring fry and fingerling culture ponds

growth and culture of larval and juvenile tautogs in a closed recirculating-seawater system

influence of raceway substrate and design on fin erosion and hatchery performance of rainbow trout

importance of diet type, food particle size, and tank circulation for culture of lake hallwil whitefish larvae

use of formalin treatments during incubation of eyed eggs of brown trout

initial observations on thiamine hydrochloride treatment of eggs of landlocked fall chinook salmon

biology of moina mongolica (moinidae, cladocera) and perspective as live food for marine fish larvae: review

abundance and seasonal distribution of penaeus monodon postlarvae in the sundarbans mangrove, bangladesh

growth, gonadal development and spawning time of atlantic cod (gadus morhua) reared under different photoperiods

survival and growth of silver catfish larvae exposed to different water ph

comparison of methods for hatching-scale triploidization of european catfish (silurus glanis l.)
